Representing Helen Frank

We are excited to be representing the artwork of Helen Frank.  She has had an illustrious career that continues to grow within the work itself, and her followers continue to grow.  

Below is a selected CV that showcases some of her exhibitions, collections, eduction and history of the artist.  

Dutch Masters by Helen Frank

Dutch Masters by Helen Frank

The New School
-sculpture with Seymour Lipton
-painting with Abraham Ratner
Tyler School of Fine Arts, Temple University
Art Students League
-watercolor with George Grosz
Cooper Union

Lovers by Helen Frank

Lovers by Helen Frank

American Watercolor Society, NYC
National Academy Galleries, NYC
Newark, NJ, Public Library
New Jersey Through Artists’ Eyes
Garden State Iconography
New Jersey Printmakers National Exhibition
Lever House, NYC
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pratt Institute
International Miniature Print Exhibition
Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ
American Drawings
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY
National Museum of Dance, Saratoga Springs, NY

Ancient Women by Helen Frank

Ancient Women by Helen Frank

Michael Ingbard Gallery of Architectural Art, NYC
Midday Gallery, NJ
Wenniger Gallery, Rockport, MA
Palmer Museum, Springfield, NJ
John Callahan Gallery, Boston, MA
Morningside Gallery, Latham, NY
Rutgers Invitational Exhibit, New Brunswick, NJ
Gallery 9, Chatham, NJ (fourteen solo exhibitions)
S.L.E. Foundation, NYC
Juster Gallery, NYC
DeSalvo Gallery, NYC

Jazz Men by Helen Frank

Jazz Men by Helen Frank

Library of Congress
New York Public Library
New-York Historical Society
Museum of Modern Art
Victoria and Albert Museum
New Jersey State Museum
Newark Public Library
Newark Museum
American Museum of Immigration
Lafayette College (master print collection)
New Jersey Center fifor Visual Arts
Saks Fifth Avenue
New York Life Insurance Company
New York Mets
Habitat for Humanity
NJ Governor’s Mansion, Drumthwacket

Palermo Baroque by Helen Frank

Palermo Baroque by Helen Frank

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Fellowship
National Endowment for the Arts
Art Deco Movie Theaters of Union County, NJ
Neighborhoods of Union County
Union County Heart Grant
Columbus, Ohio Film Festival Fine Arts Award
St. Hubert’s Giralda Graphics, Madison, NJ
-purchase prize
National Scholastic Magazine
-full-tuition college scholarship

Betty Ball Selected Exhibitions

Betty Ball selected exhibitions


Full Bloom, Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum, Norwalk, CT Invitational

98th Annual Greenwich Art Society Exhibition, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

Pulled and Pressed, Lyme Art Association, Old Lyme, CT Juried

Art on the Line International Exhibition, The Space, Hong Kong Invitational

BIMPE VIII - SNAP Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Juried

BIMPE VIII - The FINA Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Juried

4th Biennial Footprint International, The Project Space, New York, NY Juried

Kindred, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Invitational


All Paintings Great and Small, The Cooley Gallery, Old Lyme, CT Invitational

BIMPE VIII - Federation Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Juried

Felix Culpa - Pendle Print Biennial 2014, Lancashire, England, Juried

13th Lessedra World Art Print Annual - Miniprint 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria, Juried

Footprint International, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CTJuried

Spring Fling | Works on Paper, The Avenue Gallery, Norwalk, CT Invitational

Hot Off the Press, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY Juried

Branching Out, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Invitational

97th Annual Greenwich Art Society Exhibition, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

9th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried


All Paintings Great and Small, The Cooley Gallery, Old Lyme, CT Invitational

New Works on Paper, The Avenue Gallery, Norwalk, CT Invitational

Visions, Luxton-Jones Gallery, Shelburne, VT Invitational

Betty Ball: New Monotypes, Center for Contemporary Printmaking - The Litho Room, Norwalk, CT Solo Exhibition

Conform|Confront, Hong Kong Graphic Arts Fiesta 2013, Hong Kong Juried

9th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Juried

Center for Contemporary Printmaking: Prints & Programs, Mayor's Gallery, Norwalk, CT Invitational

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton, CT Invitational

Spectrum 2013, Betty Barker Gallery, New Canaan, CT Juried

Portraits in Print, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Invitational

96th Annual Greenwich Art Society Exhibition, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

33rd Annual Photography Exhibition, Betty Barker Gallery, New Canaan, CT Juried


Prints Another Look:  From Modern to Contemporary, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Invitational

Monothon 2012, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT, Invitational

Celebrate the HolidaysLuxton-Jones Gallery, Shelburne, VT Invitational

Impressions of Lake Champlain and Beyond, Luxton-Jones Gallery, Shelburne, VT Invitational

Art at the Coach Barn, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT Invitational

Reflections, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT Juried

Obsessions and Collections, Yester House Gallery, Manchester, VT Juried

Local Color - Defying Boundaries, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

Stamens & Stems - Nature's Tryst, Yester House Gallery, Manchester, VT Juried

'scapes galore, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT, Juried

Spectrum 2012, Betty Barker Gallery, New Canaan, CT Juried

83rd Annual Members' Exhibition, Yester House Gallery, Manchester, VT Juried

50th Annual CCNS Art Show, Rowayton, CT Invitational

panorama, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT Invitational

ART of Light & Color, Pierce Ball Gallery, Stamford, CT Solo Exhibition

95th Annual Greenwich Art Society Exhibition, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

Journeys, Bruce S. Kershner Gallery, Fairfield, CT Juried

Brushwork, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT Invitational

Expressions, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT Juried

20th Annual Winter Members' Exhibition, Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, VT Juried

Celebrate the Season, Luxton-Jones Gallery, Shelburne, VT Invitational


smallWORK, Betty Barker Gallery, New Canaan, CT Juried

24th Annual Art at the Coach Barn, Shelburne Farms, VT Juried

LOVE in the Eye of the Beholder Westport Arts Center, Westport, CT Juried

Refractions, Gallery 101, Rowayton CT Solo Exhibition 

21st Annual Student Show, Silvermine Guild Art Center, New Canaan, CT Juried

Annual Juried Show Art Society of Old Greenwich, Bendheim Gallery, 

Greenwich CT Juried

Expressions,  Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT Juried

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton CT Invitational

Katonah Museum Artists’ Association at Northern Westchester Hospital, Mount Kisco, NY Invitational


23rd Annual Art at the Coach Barn, Shelburne Farms, VT Juried

61st Art of the Northeast, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan CT Juried

In Between, Lockwood Mathews, Norwalk, CT Invitational

Reflections on Water, Darien Historical Society, Darien, CT Juried

A Common Thread, Pierce Ball Gallery, Stamford, CT Invitational

Artworks ’10, Darien, CT Invitational

Annual Juried Show, Art Society of Old Greenwich, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich CT Juried 

Texture and Pattern, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT Juried

Our Town,  Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT Juried

Annual Student Show Silvermine Guild Art Center, New Canaan, CT Juried

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton CT Invitational

Color Within Color, Gallery at Greenwich Tavern, Greenwich CT Solo Exhibition 

Color and Curve  Pierce Ball Gallery, Stamford CT Two Person Exhibition


A Common Thread, Pierce Ball Gallery, Stamford CT Invitational

Mavis Fenner Memorial Show, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton CT Juried

Rural Remembrances, Darien Historical Society, Darien CT Juried

In the Mood for Color, The Flinn Gallery, Greenwich CT Juried

Annual Members Show, Westport Arts Center, Westport CT Invitational

Annual Juried Show, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich CT Juried

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton CT Invitational

These Lands Are Your Lands, Darien Land Trust, Darien CT Invitational

Darien Arts Council Annual Show, Darien CT Juried


Oil and Acrylic, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton CT Juried

Annual Members Show Westport Arts Center, Westport CT Invitational

The Inn at National Hall, Westport, CT Solo Exhibition 

Annual Juried Show, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich CT Juried

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton CT Invitational

Harmony, Rockwell Gallery, Wilton CT Two-Person Exhibition


Coast. Countryside. City. Pequot Library, Southport, CT Invitational

Annual Members Show, Westport Arts Center, Westport CT Invitational

CCNS Annual Art Show, Rowayton, CT Invitational

Oil and Acrylics Show, Rowayton Arts Center Gallery, Rowayton, CT Juried


Annual Members Show, Westport Arts Center, Westport CT Invitational

Paint the Town, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton CT Juried

Annual Student Show, Silvermine Guild Art Gallery, New Canaan CT Juried

Annual Juried Show, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich CT Juried

selected awards


Greenwich Art Society Award, 98th Annual Greenwich Art Society Exhibition, Greenwich, CT


Best in Show, Reflections 2013, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

Honorable Mention, 9th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT 


First Place, To the Table, Darien Historical Society, Darien, CT

Second Place, Marine and Coastal Art, Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

Second Place, 'Scapes Galore, The Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT

The Charles J. Beran Award, 95th Annual Juried Exhibition Greenwich Art Society, Greenwich, CT

Second Place Printmaking & Drawing, Darien Arts Center, Darien, CT

First Place Oils, Brushwork Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

Second Place Oils, Expressions Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT


First Place Pastels, Beyond Brushes Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

Third Place Oil Painting, Just Paint Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT


Second Place, Annual Juried Show Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT 

Third Place Pastels, Texture and Pattern The Flinn Gallery, Greenwich CT

Honorable Mention Pastels, Texture and Pattern The Flinn Gallery, Greenwich CT
The Pastel Award Annual Student Exhibition Silvermine Guild, New Canaan, CT

Second Place Paint Rowayton Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

Honorable Mention Drawings, Prints, Pastels Rowayton Arts Center, CT


Second Place Pastels Mavis Fenner Memorial Show Rowayton, CT

Third Place Pastels, Annual Juried Show Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT

Third Place Pastels, Darien Arts Council Annual Show Darien, CT


Honorable Mention, Annual Juried Show Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT


First Place Pastels, Annual Juried Show Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT

Viewer’s Choice Award, Paint the Town Rowayton Arts Center, Rowayton, CT

1978 - 1988 

Graphic Design Awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts, DESi, the Connecticut Art Director's Club, and the NY Art Directors Club; and published in Graphis Magazine, Print Magazine, NY Art Directors Annual, AIGA Annual and Graphis Annual


BFA The Rhode Island School of Design

Silvermine Arts Center

Center for Contemporary Printmaking


Rowayton, Connecticut

Resources for Artists

Below we have listed many fine art supply options for artists throughout the country.  

Where to Buy Art Supplies in Texas

Texas Art Supply

2001 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 526-5221

Texas Art Supply
2237 South Voss
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 780-044

Texas Art Supply
1507 Baybrook Mall Dr.
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 486-9320

Asel Art Supply - Plano
2929 Custer Rd. #340
Plano, TX 75275

Asel Art Supply - Richardson
101 S. Coit Rd. Ste #375,
Richardson, TX 75080

Asel Art Supply - Denton
1053 Ave C
Denton, TX 76201

Asel Art Supply - Arlington
618 W. Park Row Ste. C
Arlington TX 76010

Asel Art Supply - Ft. Worth
825 Foch St.,
Ft. Worth TX 7610

Asel Art Supply - Austin

510 W. MLK Blvd.,
Austin TX 78701

Asel Art Supply - San Antonio
1524 N. Main Street
San Antonio TX 787011

Asel Art Supply - San Antonio

8127 Callaghan Rd
San Antonio TX 78230

Texas Art Asylum
1719 Like Oak
Houston, TX 77003

Jerry's Artarama of Houston
12974-A Willowchase Dr
Houston, TX 77070

Jerry's Artarama of Austin
6010 N IH 35
Austin, TX 78752

Art Store at the Co-Op

2234 Guadalupe
Austin, TX 78705
(512) 322-7005

Art Supply on Main Street
2711 Main St.,
Houston TX 77002


Where to Buy Art Supplies in New Hampshire

The Color Shoppe and More

43 Main Street, Wilton, NH 03086
(603) 654-6297

Sharon Arts Center 
20-40 Depot St 
Peterborough, NH 03458

Duke's Art and Frame 
7 Bank St 
Lebanon, NH 03766

Where to Buy Art Supplies in Vermont

Vermont Fine Art Supply
277 Pine Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Where to Buy Art Supplies in California

Art Supply Warehouse
6672 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 891-3626

Artist & Craftsman Supply 
3804 Fourth Ave
San Diego, CA 92110

Artist & Craftsman Supply 
1917-1921 E 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90021

Artist & Craftsman Supply 
1917-1921 E 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90021

Artist & Craftsman Supply 
1660 S La Cienga Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Accent Arts - Art Materials & Custom Framing
392 South California Avenue 
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Allards Art Supplies
5350 North Blackstone
Fresno, CA 93710
(559) 225-1500

Arch Supplies
1111 8th St
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 433-2724

The Arch Popup
2349 3rd St
San Francisco, CA 94107

Artel Art Center 
1700 McHenry Ave Ste D60 
Modesto, CA 95350

Utrecht Berkley
1909 University Ave
Berkeley 94704
(510) 649-0808

Blick Berkley
811 University Avenue
Berkeley 94710
(510) 486-2600

Blick Fullerton
601 North Placentia Ave
Fullerton 92831
(714) 528-8790

Blick West Los Angeles
11531 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles 90025
(310) 479-1416

Blick Los Angeles
7301 West Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles 90036
(323) 933-9284

Blick Oakland
5301 Broadway
Oakland 94618
(510) 658-2787

Blick Pasadena
44 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena 91105
(626) 795-4985

Blick Sacramento
1612 Howe Avenue
Sacramento 95825
(916) 641-6400

Blick San Diego
1844 India St
San Diego 92101
(619) 687-0050

Blick SDSU Campus Store
5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego State University
San Diego 92182
(619) 594-7560

Blick San Franciso
979 Market St
San Francisco 94103
(415) 441-6075

Blick San Francisco - Van Ness
1930 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco 94109
(415) 409-1359

Utrecht San Francisco
149 New Montgomery St.
San Francisco 94105
(415) 777-6920

Blick Santa Monica
2602 Lincoln Boulevard
Santa Monica 90405

Duffy Smith juried exhibition history

Duffy Smith (Shaunna Duffy Smith)

Juried Exhibitions

It's Pastel" Pastel Society of NH National Juried Show 2011, Portsmouth, NH
"Degas Pastel Society 13th Biennial National Juried Exhibition 2010", Hammond, Louisiana
"It's Pastel" Pastel Society of NH National Juried Show 2010, Portsmouth, NH
"Northeast National Juried Pastel Exhibition 2010", Arts Center Old Forge, NY
“Pastel Pleasures Invitational Show 2009” , Whistler House Museum, Lowell, MA
Pastel Society of New Hampshire Member’s Show 2009, Derry, NH
Pastel Painters’ of Maine International Juried Show 2008-Bath, Me
Pastel Society of New Hampshire Annual Show 2007-Enfield, NH
Mini-works on Paper 2006– Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Alabama
Lone Star Pastel Society National 2006 – Amarillo, Texas
Degas Pastel Society 2006 – New Orleans, Louisiana
Pastel National 2006 – Wichita, Kansas
Lawrence Heritage Show – Lawrence, MA
New Hampshire Biennial Show – Manchester, NH
Sharon Arts Center - Sharon, NH
Lassonde Show – New Hampshire Art Association

Paint and Palette Podcast 002: Joan Terese Hayes

Paint and Palette Podcast 002: Joan Terese Hayes

A continuation of the conversation I had with Joan Hayes on the fine arts market.  In this episode we focus on the reproduction market, giclee printing, and talk about Thomas Kinkade's multi million dollar prints, and contrast that with the value of original art which can be purchased for a fraction of the price.  

Paint and Palette 002: Joan Terese Hayes
Kasey Child